What to do on the day?
I’m not a model.
I always look bad in photos.
I don’t know what to do with my hands.
I always freeze up in front of the camera.
I don’t like posed photos.
My favourite photos are the candid style.
I admit, I’m not a big fan of the classic “Say Cheese” photos either, but it’s worth noting that these have a place in photography, and there is a reason that those photos have continued to exist. So, yes, I will take some of those photos. I call them the “Grandma Shots” because they’re the photos that Grandma (or really anyone else) likes to print and put on her walls to show how proud she is.
But, those aren’t the only photos we’ll be taking. Yes, I do like to take some photos of the ‘in between’ moments, but I’ve got a set of prompts that I like to work through with my clients. These aren’t poses so much as suggestions “Look at each other and tell me about the first time you met,” or one of my personal favourites - the “Drunk Walk”.
Drunk walk in action!
Don’t worry about your hands, we’ll find places to put them so that you don’t feel awkward, and don’t stress that you aren’t a model. You don’t need to be a model to have nice photos of yourself. If there is a side of your face that you find looks better in photos, let me know, or if you’re not wild about certain features being photographed - again let me know. I’m bit of a chatterbox, and I value communication. If you don’t let me know, then I’m not going to be able to provide you with the best images I can.
As a general rule, I’m very happy to photoshop away things like acne, or eczema but I don’t photoshop a persons’ body or face to look ‘skinnier’, so please don’t ask. One of my personal values is that I feel it’s very important to be accepting of our bodies the way they are. Our bodies are constantly changing, and what you might be frustrated with today, you may love in a few years.
Overall, don’t stress. I’ve had plenty of practice helping clients relax in front of the camera, and I’m very happy to work with you and your needs to get the best possible images for your day.