"The bond with a true dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth will ever be." - Konrad Lorenz
Casey and Ty couldn’t celebrate their relationship without including their best man/friend - Jet.
Casey and Ty had a roller coaster of emotions when planning their wedding, as one of the most important things to them was that they wanted their dog, Jet to be the best man. Jet meanwhile decided to give his parents a bit of a health scare a month before the wedding, having to be rushed to the vet for emergency treatment.
Given the warning that Jet may not make it to their wedding date, they had a small, secret ceremony a month before the official day at home so that no matter what, Jet would be with them.
But then, Jet beat the odds and made a full recovery much to his parents amusement. So, Casey, Ty and Jet were able to celebrate together twice in the span of a couple of months, and because Casey and Ty wanted to incorporate even more amazing aspects that are uniquely them - they got tattoos with each others’ initial as part of their ceremony.
Truly a day that celebrated their love in all the ways that matter to them.