3 Reasons to Print Your Photos
In the age of digital everything - is it really worth printing your photos?
Print Your Photos
Home is where you make it.
It is absolutely worth printing your photos.
When you display your photos, viewing them becomes an experience. In this modern era of the endless scroll, it’s easy to get our photos taken and post them on social media then wait for the likes to roll in. Then, in a few weeks - we’ve all but forgotten them. They get too far back in the phone’s gallery, and so we stop looking at the images that we spent our hard earned money and even more precious time creating.
The Experience
When they’re printed, photos are an ever-present reminder of what is important in our lives - with prints and albums, we can leave them on the coffee table, or hang them across from the couch. That way, when you sit down with a glass of wine or a warm cup of tea you can look at your photos and remember loved ones and special moments. Photos can turn a house into a home and bring back forgotten memories, and while digital images have a place - they’ll never completely replace the real thing.
Technology is Imperfect
(but then, so are prints)
Nothing is safe, and everything can fail. All it might take is a big thunderstorm during storm season, your computer not on a surge protector, and suddenly your computer is fried and your images gone. Or a family member passing and not leaving their passwords and suddenly you don’t have access to the cloud storage anymore.
Having your photos printed is an added level of protection. Yes, your house might burn down in a freak accident, but that’s why you should have your photos stored digitally AND printed. We buy house insurance because we want to protect ourselves from possible loss - printing our images is another form of insurance.
For the Grandparents
Many grandparents (my own included) are actively intimidated by technology. They don’t like computers, tablets, or smart phones and they don’t use social media so unless you print your photos, your Grandparents might never see them. Even if you simply choose to print your photos through Kmart or Big W (though I strongly recommend all clients print their images through professional print labs to ensure quality), having a photo that can be hung on the relatives’ fridge is far more meaningful than sending an email with a photo attached.
And there you have it dear Reader, here are three reasons that I discuss with clients as to why it’s a fabulous idea to print your photos rather than just leaving them to the digital archive that you might never look at again.
What are some of the reasons you like to print your photos?